Reflections from the Red Lion

Created by Alistair 8 months ago

While Jim Jr and family moved to Ayton during the early years of his schooling at EHS it wasn’t until our sixth year (1980) that we would gather at the house in the Red Lion.  Anne and Jim Sr always us feel very welcome in their home and while they were very busy with work, Anne always took the time to say hello, ask us about our schooling and interests and make us feel at home.  This warm welcome and sincere interest continued theough our University years when we would gather during the holidays.  As we went our separate ways there was a significant gap in years before Kathy, myself and our two youngest boys (Isaac and Auryn) visited Jim Jr, Tony, Anne and Jim Sr at their homes in Avoncliff.  Anne hadnt changed, although her sight wasn’t, their welcome was sincere and their kindness heartfelt.  The time that we spent in each other’s presence over the years was minimal, however, the impact that Anne (and Jim Sr) had on me has been long lasting.  I am of course grateful for rhe choices that they made in coming to Ayton and bringing Jim Jr to enrich our lives.  We look forward to joining you on the  22nd to better understand the life and journey of a special lady.

Our thoughts and prayers go with Graeme, Joyce, Jim and your families at this time.  

Best Wishes

Alistair & Kathy Aitchison